Desfrute das melhores provas e experiências gastronómicas

Azeites, Vinhos & Produtos Locais

Descubra os nossos…

From the small producer
to your table.

Erva D'Ouro was born from a dream to actively contribute to the discovery and support of the best producers.

The selection of extra-virgin olive oils characterizes our project. We put all our attention on each producer, each region, each variety, enhancing the olive oils and making them shine in our tastings and baskets.

But not only that, we go in search of new wines, original and unique products, painting a rich and abundant table of flavors.

Called 'liquid gold' by Homer,

olive oil continues to be one of the gifts

most wonderful of Nature.

Visit us and have your private tasting

Want to know some of the best gourmet products? Book your private tasting and get ready to be delighted!